Saturday, January 31, 2009

We went out for lunch in Portsmouth with K + G.  It was lovely, and I assured them that I would forget to take a picture, which I did.  I remembered just as we said goodbye to K.  It was freezing outside and he had to get something from the car and bring it back to G in the cafe and we had to get to our car to drive off to see my former students in a show, so this picture was taken as quickly and painlessly as possible.  

I only took two pictures while at the show.  They were of these people.  One shot was taken without a flash and makes them look like they each have more than one head.  On the second attempt, E tried (unsuccessfully) to escape from the picture, which left him looking awkward and terrified in the corner of the frame.  I decided that they'd like me better if I described the pictures rather than posting them.  In any case, the show was well done and the company was delightful.

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