We went out for dinner, where I was given a massive taco shell full of chili that they called a taco salad. When I asked for some lettuce, I was charged an extra $1.50. Also, they marked the drinks up like $1.50 each for the holidays without writing it anywhere! But it was really fun, and if I get some pictures from A, you'll all see us in silly 2009 tiaras and top hats. When we got the bill, I practiced signing my name different ways... I think when I change over to the new last name, I'll try to make it legible. Afterwards, we went back to A's family's house, put on our pajamas, and dozed off while watching the countdown.

We love Sandy, and so do our clothes, which are coated with her fur:)

Picture taken at around 12:05 am. I was already basically asleep while they set the bed up.
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