Thursday, January 15, 2009

We left our room quite early to get to Santa Cruz and do whatever it is that people do there.  You should know, however, that we're staying in Costanoa's Green Room, which seems basically the same as the other comparable rooms, but with better robes. Here's how it's greener:
After breakfast at Caffe Pergolesi and a walk around downtown Santa Cruz, we walked to the end of the wharf, where we found lots and lots of these sea lion friends.  
They were noisy.

This one liked us the most, I think.

There isn't just a Patagonia store in Santa Cruz.  It's a Patagonia OUTLET!

The surfing museum was the size of a bathroom, but there was a 3 day knee boarding competition going on right by it.  Then we went to lunch at Khyber Pass, where we ate much much too much and still came home with lots of leftovers for dinner.

Afterwards, we only had energy for sitting/people watching.  This woman is walking a pet duck, on a leash.  Yes, I did say duck.  (Later, we saw a man riding a bike with his pet parrot on his shoulder.)

We saw a bunch of people doing this weird flat surfboardy boat rowing thing.... Reminds me of a gondola... 

When we got too exhausted to people watch, we went to see Milk at a The Delmar.  It was good, and of course, sad.  Picked up green tea mochi at Trader Joe's, drove back to Pescadero, and stared at our computers for a while.  Soon, we'll eat leftovers.  Yum.


Pam said...

I am addicted to mochi ice cream from Trader Joe's. Your pictures are making it clear to me that I need to take a trip! Did you see any sea otters? holding hands? rafting?

Chesley said...

I think that's called "paddleboarding." I know because I read People Magazine. Not because I used to live there and visited Santa Cruz a few times. I don't think it was invented back then. :(