We had a small dinner gathering this evening. Some guests were smaller than others, namely one of our favorite little ones,

I rigged up an interesting system in order to make my "gourmet" mini grilled cheese in the oven (featuring breads we had made and such combinations as smoked gruyere and apple; tomato, mozzarella and basil; and cheddar, salsa, cilantro, and guacamole; and some of our favorite cheeses, such as horseradish cheddar). I also made the spicy thai tomato soup that I used to make pretty often and we used our rice cooker for the first time to make butternut squash risotto, which turned out not bad.

We were also joined by this lovely newly engaged couple, A and N. In their glasses, there is some sparkling wine of the reddish sort. I wish I had had my camera out about five minutes before this picture was taken, when we opened another bottle of champagne, which had clearly gone bad in whatever way champagnes can go bad... It made for some funny faces and a couple of awkward moments.
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