We went to PJ's for pancakes this morning and somehow ended up sitting at the counter. Sitting at the counter isn't generally a bad thing, unless one of the people who works there drops a syrup pourer and much of the syrup goes flying in a projectile that splatters it all over you. This is my hair full of syrup. Yum. I was supergrumpy, especially since the only person there who was apologetic or even acknowledge that we were covered in syrup was a woman who came with some wet wipey thingies - not the managers, not the person who actually dropped the projectile syrup... Anyway, I took a shower in my old dorm and we went on with the day.

Before we left, we went to the Bent Spoon and got a mini-cupcake. I meant for this to happen yesterday, but there was a huge line down the block and we wanted to get to the fireworks. Anyway, this treat is in honor of Blog's 1st birthday (which was yesterday). So, sorry it's a day late, but happy birthday, Blog! And thank you to my gentle readers, many of whom I saw this weekend. Where will the next year take us? Who knows!
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