So, I just spent about a half an hour sitting by the sliding door of my apartment waiting to try to capture the strange things that were happening on my street. These are the best I've got:

This was on the first trip these gentlemen took up the hill. I couldn't quite figure out what was going on, but I saw them stop on the street and take this little tricycley-bigwheely thing out of the truck, and didn't have my glasses on, but it looked like they were playing with a hose, which seemed weird, so I grabbed my glasses and then my camera, and got a shot of them just before they dragged the guy on the little wheeled vehicle up the hill. I thought, for sure, they wouldn't be headed down, but this was their return trip:

Unfortunately, I didn't get the truck in the picture. It was trailing, but doesn't seem to be attached. This happened a couple more times and then they stopped... The following picture is their last trip up the hill. Maybe they noticed me taking pictures and decided to find a hill without spectators....

They don't really look like kids, do they? In any case, I'm glad that they seem to all still be alive.
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