We drove to NJ, checked into hotel, ate Thai food for dinner, and began our search for the people in the picture below (who we found quickly without the aid of cell phones or any other technology) :

(J9 and E rock out while O looks on and O's husband feels his nipples.)

Then we all went to an arch sing. While there, we wondered how many generations of nassoons it takes to operate a keg while singing. Far too many. Unfortunately for them, it seemed their endeavor was largely unsuccessful. Mostly foam. Later, Ben and I discussed how an arch sing with a keg is interpreted by the minds of small children, of which there were many in the audience. Also, notice the couple in the middle of the arch. They weren't performing. They were just cuddling and watching the group, in a highly unusual place.... Then we walked back to the car and saw this on campus:

REALLY?!? Does someone actually own this car?
I have 2 comments - first of all: I took a picture of that tiger painted beetle too! I love that car. Too cute :)
Second: the garbage :( SO sad. The amount of waste that goes on at reunions was really upsetting to me! I think when you check in, along with your button they should give you a reusable beer cup and that's that! Not to be a Debbie Downer or anything...
I totally agree on the reusable cup idea. i had been thinking that myself. maybe we can make it happen :-D
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