Ben had a WFA course going on today, so he had to be at work to make sure everything was all set for the people teaching and taking it and that he got all the appropriate money from the participants. Anyway, as a result, I started my day working there (as I often do). My plan was to get the library at some point, but it was just sooooo cold outside that I couldn't make myself move. In any case, I think I got a good deal of work done so far today, and in (hopefully) half an hour, we'll pick up and go home (and maybe go on a date!!!!). Meanwhile, I thought I'd take a picture to show you all the view I have while I'm working on this paper. (Sorry you're in the picture, Ben. You were in my way and seemed to be working too intently for me to ask you to move.)
On a side note, the paper I'm working on today is an assessment of myself, using results from such personality tests as the Kiersey Temperment Sorter, 16PF, Big 30, PAI, CAD, VIA Signature Strengths, and maybe some others.... How I love writing about me and how I'm an intellectual, enthusiastic person who loves people and life and works really well in with others, but is also indecisive, conflict averse, and a lazy procrastinator. Ok, back to writing rather than doing more to prove that last statement true.