Wednesday, April 29, 2009

These stones were given to me by the gamesmith of that awesome workshop I wrote about a few days ago. (he does another workshop called "stick and stones, the original game bag") I was kind of exhausted and stressed, and unfortunately not in a playing mood, so I ended up alphabetizing and re-ordering all of his number and letter sets... and just generally making myself useful during the workshop, and he was grateful, so he gave me a nice present. I was really psyched. Anyway, Ben seems to have made them into a pretty little rock garden-y thing on our tv stand.

In other news, my friend M came over today and I wrote 40 pages of my 40 page paper. Unfortunately, it's still not done, but it's a lot closer than it was yesterday! It was all made possible by my AMAZING husband Ben, who worked the program I was supposed to work today (and probably will tomorrow too) so that I could get writing done. I'm so lucky.

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