so - this week, we combined our tuesday night and thursday night engagements, minus most of the men. i had rescheduled from tuesday with my cohort because it was supposed to snow and combined it with the outdoor ed crowd. however, part of the outdoor ed crowd (N and F) were at a conference and Ben ended up running an event for work, but most of the women and one of the men of the crowd came and mingling between the two communities almost happened. i wish i had gotten some pictures of the soup and bread filled kitchen, but i was too busy getting stuff ready to remember to snap a shot. (actually, my ideal picture would have been one of the refrigerator before the event, where i had three large pyrex containers stacked, one with bright green broccoli soup, one with bright orange butternut squash soup, and one with bright red tomato soup.)
this picture was taken as people started to leave. A is near the door with F. A's dog and boy had just come to pick her up. Looking on is W, a new friend and R's back is prominently featured all the way on the right. M is on the left, saying hi and bye to C and AM, who she hadn't really met, and telling AM that she's somebody's doppelganger (which, apparently, she is told often). I think that's K's head sticking out leaning on the couch next to AM's...
also, using people's initials is getting annoying, as is this entire caption....