The day of the bangs incident... So, I've trimmed my bangs a bit before, last time as a collaborative effort with my mom, and this time they were just so grown out and I was so sick of it that I decided to do it myself. This wasn't one of those times that you cut a little and cut a little more and it's not quite right so you cut a little more. This was a one snip and "Oh shit!" kind of deal. Ben was outside shoveling (yay snow!) and when he came back in and I was closed in the bathroom, he got worried. I made him promise not to make fun of me and told him what had happened, and of course, when I came out, he laughed at me. I figured I'd try to get them fixed right away, but places I trusted were closed for the weekend and would continue to be closed through Christmas... (update from Jan 26 - still haven't fixed the slightly less stupid looking bangs - whoops!)

But the real highlight of the day was hanging with Frank, who visited on his way back from New Hampshire to Chicago, where he was Christmassing with his family. Note the awesome thrift shop shirt. p.s. I love living at the midpoint of friends' trips!